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Online Coaching meets India

I didn’t have to think long about the opportunity to start a coaching process with 20 selected people 7.000km away from my “home port” Cologne.

Unfortunately, due to the Corona Pandemic I could not be on site in Delhi, Mumbai and the other places myself. Instead, all coaching sessions took place via video conference instead.

Teibir Singh
Founder & CEO - Affordplan (one of 20 participants)

The three challenges when coaching in India

In India, the kind of coaching I represent with 3A Coaching is still in its infancy. This was definitely challenging at some points and there were three obstacles to overcome:

1. Fully commit to online-coaching

Realizing that there is no teaching in a 60-minute session was a litte shock for some of the participants. Fortunately, most of the clients had been open towards the coaching process, even thought it was a completely new approach for many.

2. Formulating the coaching topic

I had reckoned with the fact that not every participant would immediately present their personal core issue to me. The fact that most of them did was due to a long phase of getting to know each other. This shows impressively why a strong relationship is the most important of all factor of success in coaching and how important trust is to establish a cooperative coaching process.

3. No means No means yes maybe

This point was super exciting for me, even though 20 participants is still not a number I can use to generalise this observation. Nevertheless, more than half of the coaching sessions came to the point that the client could not say “No” to something or someone.

It was therefore crucial for me to create an atmosphere in which I could clearly distinguish “yes” and “no” in our dialogue.

In order to solve the “saying no” problem for the participants of the coaching project, three main steps were necessary:

  1. it was important to emphasise the positive intention of "not saying no”.

  2. the coachees needed to recognize which of their own needs were out of balance when they were not saying “no” (often times but not always the need to assert their own interests was affected).

  3. to restore the balance we used a simultaneous activation of the stress and control network in the brain by means of a proven coaching technique from the field of emotional coaching.


Amol and Antoni in an ice-café in Tel Aviv in 2019

What an educational experience for me. An intercultural Coaching in India with 20 unique and exciting personalities. All taking place during the first Covid19 summer that has been an annoying circumstance for some, a huge challenge for most and hell on earth for a few.

I hope to have provided a contribution to the personal solution process for many of the participants and am very thankful for the experience. A big thank you especially to Sanjeev Gupta and Dr. Amol Tayade for their trust and the great organization.

ps: If you'd like to know more what ice cream can teach you about decision-making, you might want to take a look at my blog post about how to make the best decisions. For more information about myself and my corporate projects have a look at the 3A website.

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